Project Democracy

Democracy provides fair and unbiased coverage of elections to voters

About This App

This project was created for the Congressional App Challenge

My friend and I were thinking about how to solve a major problem in American society. Eventually, we arrived at the issue of nonvoting. We decided to code this app as a solution to get more Americans politically involved and educated in an unbiased manor with the idea that accessible, high-quality information would lead to a more informed electorate. We won first runner up in the Congressional App Challenge with this app. Now, the source code for the app is freely accessible on GitHub as a proudly open-sourced project. The client side of the app is coded with Swift and SwiftUI. For the backend, the app interacts with a Python server using the Flask framework.


  • Compare candidates running for different offices

  • See critical information required to make an informed vote sourced from trusted nonpartisan organizations

  • Stay on top of new developments with access to candidate social media pages using built-in integrations

  • Translate the entire app to hundreds of different languages

  • Contact representatives with your questions and concerns